Certified Personal Accountants

CPAs are no longer defined by traditional services such as tax preparation, audits, and financial statements (CPA Horizons 2025). CPAs are now expected to handle topics such as: retirement planning, qualified plan distributions, complex income tax mitigation, estate planning, business succession, and employee retention strategies.

While they are expected to weigh in on these complex, life altering decisions, they are typically not equipped to address these topics, and as a result, are forced to refer their clients to third parties, which could damage relationships due to poor results from mediocre referral alliances. This gap in professional specialities leads to a risky situation, if the advisor does a bad job, the CPA may experience blame from the client for providing the recommendation.

76% of people want their CPA to offer
more proactive planning.
— 'What SMBS Want 2014' Survey by The Sleeter Group

CPAs are business owners with a unique set of challenges

that financial advisors have the ability to solve.

The solution is a partnership, where a trusted and vetted financial advisor with a team of specialists can provide services that the CPA’s clients need, but might not currently be receiving. Through this collaboration, CPAs are able to provide a platform for the solutions to be executed by the financial advisor in an efficient and integrated manner. By establishing a team of consultants, CPAs are freed from the dependency on outdated and disorganized third-party referral models, ultimately allowing the CPA to become the primary trusted advisor who acts as a ‘one stop shop’ for their clients.

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Identify Opportunities

Our consultants lead CPAs through an algorithm to identify potential opportunities for their clients. One of the primary benefits of collaborating is the option to employ advanced tax strategies that are highly benefit to their client, ultimately enabling the CPA to add tremendous value as well as strengthening their client relationship.


Collaborate as a Team

We work as a team to reduce inherent risks, while providing a hub of specialists in their respective sections of the 70,000+ page tax code, focusing on both technical and interpersonal skills. Our solutions and systems deliver more value to your clients by offering collaboration with proactive, integrated, value-based planners.


Reduce Risk

This process educates CPAs on the basics of the necessary solutions such as reducing the risk of referring clients to third parties, expanding the brand-trust and client satisfaction, while at the same time increasing organic growth and giving clients a unique story to tell about the extraordinary work their CPA performed.



CPAs are expected to be their clients’ most trusted advisor, and with the right team, you can fulfill that ambition. By utilizing one point of contact for all of their financial needs, you can exponentially improve your clients’ experiences. As the CPA, you perform as the ‘quarterback’ overseeing the planning process with integrated solutions and exceptional results coming from some of the best specialists in the country. It is our understanding that CPAs are finding it challenging to keep pace with the state and federal income tax law changes, as well as new programs such as the Affordable Care Act.

Our mastery ranges from account rollovers to tax mitigation to business planning scenarios. We provide services across a range of financial success techniques including premium financing, employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), assets under management, qualified plan rollovers, qualified plan implementation, life insurance retirement plans (LIRPs), captive insurance companies, cost segregation, as well as life insurance for family protection and estate planning. Our secondary focus is to help expand CPA awareness regarding tax law updates, industry changes, and planning solutions, specifically IRAs, social security distribution options, and creating guaranteed income streams.

Elevate Planning does not offer legal or tax advice. Please consult the appropriate professional regarding your individual circumstance. Not associated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other government agency. Fixed Annuities are long term insurance contacts and there is a surrender charge imposed generally during the first 5 to 7 years that you own the annuity contract. Withdrawals prior to age 59-1/2 may result in a 10% IRS tax penalty, in addition to any ordinary income tax. Any guarantees of the annuity are backed by the financial strength of the underlying insurance company. Pursuant to requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service, any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding penalties imposed under the United States Internal Revenue Code or promoting, marketing or recommending to another person any tax-related matter. Please contact us if you wish to have formal written advice on this matter.